Here is my take on Christmas pattern design, what do you think?
The company I met with a couple of months ago thought it was too daring/crazy, but I think my sumos are fun! My inspiration was Andy Warhol, pop art and (obviosuly) Japanese sumo culture. It would make a cool gift wrap I think, something a bit different for when you're fed up with the usual trees and holly perhaps :)

I think it's pretty funny. Definitely not for everyone, but there are plenty of people that would love something quirky like this :)
Um, I LOVE THIS!!! I could easily see myself wrapping both my MILs and Jen's presents with this - as we're all huge Japan fangirls. ^_^ "Too crazy." As if! It's the perfect amount of crazy. :D
haha! I love it! This would be perfect for that niche group of people that are looking for something on the quirky side. Everything looks the same nowadays. I would buy it ;)
I love it. It's original and makes a fun change from the usual festive wrapping themes. I would definitely use this and it's the kind of thing that would probably go down really well in the independent shops where I live. Nice work as always! :) xx
Haha, it's hilarious! Love it as well! Min Joi hade blivit överförtjust om han fick en julklapp med det här presentpappret! :) Det tror jag många skulle blivit! ...och kom precis på att jag, i vanlig ordning, inte hörde av mig till dig på mailen angående sponsorplatsen för december... åh får skämmas igen...:( Jag och mail asså, svarar jag inte direkt försvinner det ut ur min hjärna... samma sak med sms...
Men hur som helst, hoppas du mår bra iaf och att du inte är för julstressad! Kram på dig så länge
i think it's pretty rad, lisa. love it.
i think it is hilarious! a great pattern for something different! you should print it out and use it this year!
I think your design is fantastic! Christmas is a whimsical time :))) The design suits the whimsy!
sending you happy spells
Hahaha! I like it! ;)
Hilarious Lisa! I love it xxx
ha ha ha, I love it! It's crazy, true, but a nice kind of crazy :)
i will say this about what you've got going on here and i think it about says it all! Pure.Freaking.Genius. completely impressed & where can i get my own hands on some Sumo Santas????!!!! you're WOW and then some. ♥
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xo Lisa
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