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2 Jun 2011

Exciting Design Progress!

Hey lovelies! I wanted to show you some progress on my latest pattern design. Here is a part of it, what do you think? I've worked on this one for a long time so it's super exciting when the design starts to come together! I've drawn all the elements now so it's just the colouring in left, yay!


Vick said...

Gud vad söt! Jag älskar svenska småfåglar, blåmes, talgoxe, sparv, sädesärla... de är så vackra med deras pinnben å en stor dunboll på. Vore kul om du kunde få ihop nått med lite olika småfåglar kanske :)

Amber said...

thats really cute. I love the little birdie!

Janette said...

A bird with a hat?????!!!!! Where do you come up with these genius ideas woman?????!?!?! So incredible! Can't wait to see the rest of it!

Janette the Jongleur

Sécia Mischke said...

Awe, love the birdie!

♥ sécia

cb said...

oh my god lisa that bird with the captian hat, is soo FREAKIN cute!!!! oh my!! eek lady, so cute! what is the end result? can't wait to see more of it!!


Eleni said...

Oh my God I love it! Now I want a little captain's hat for my baby seagull...

Miss A said...

Hellooo! Oh my God, such an adorable design! I cannot wait to see the final outcome :) And I know this is late, but congratulations on the engagement! :D

Anonymous said...

Ohh that is ADORABLE! What is this design for?

la said...

eeep! i love this. if you made this into a wallpaper for my new room, i'd buy it in a second! :) lol.

Lissie said...


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xo Lisa

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