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8 Apr 2011

Cute Easter Shelves

Today I have decorated my kitchen for Easter with this vintage "shelf-paper". My mum sent it to me, I think it looks really cute! I want some more with another pattern for after Easter, does anyone know any online shop where you can buy these rolls? I don't know the correct word for it in English so it was tricky to google!


Em {Emerging Em} said...

So cute! I wish I could help, but I have no idea what they're called!

Aprendeconvale said...

SWEET!!!I can´t help you but maybe on dawanda or Etsy???? kisses!!!

my best friend jules said...

How cute is this! :) I should give our home a little Easter makeover as well!
xox mervi

ps. you're button is looking super sweet in our sidebar :) hih!

Unknown said...

What an adorable ribbon. I think it is really important to refashion areas of the home in time with a seasonal celebration. I love the beauty it brings, and your photos are so pretty. x Jo

Crystal said...

I've actually never seen those before- they are really sweet. I love the idea of having a shelf that you decorate for the latest holiday or season. The little boy and his chickens are really cute :)
Happy Spring!

cb said...

it looks sooooo adorable!i want to find some cute trim like that and fancy up my kitchen!


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Anonymous said...

So cute! I have never seen such a thing!

Amber said...

that design is so cute. what a sweet mom you have

Susan said...

that is just darling!! i love it.

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xo Lisa

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