Today I found out I'm nominated for a Blogscar - hosted by Janette the Jongleur - in the category "Best Foreign Blog" (Non-US Resident Blogger). Yay, I'm so thrilled! And what a fun initiative, thank you Janette!
If you'd like to vote for me, hop over to Janette's blog here or vote in my right sidebar. Please guys, I've always dreamt of this honour! :) Voting ends on the 20th of February and the winners will be announced on the 26th.

UPDATE: It seems like the vote box for my category doesn't always show up on Janette's page, so here's an embedded one that you can also use to vote... Cheers!
AHHH! Love that drawing you did! It's soo perfect! Best of luck to you Lisa! Such a hard vote I think! You guys are all my favorite!
♥Janette, the Jongleur
I will definitely vote for you! I love your blog! Its so quirky and lovely :) CONGRATS & good luck!!
IF YOU HAVE A SPARE SECOND PLEASE VOTE FOR ME : http://www.styleinsider.riverisland.com/?p=company_entrant&id=2871
Good luck!
Done. Good luck!
♥ sécia
Congrats! Just voted for you :)
Thanks sweeties! ♡
Just voted - hope you win :)
i voted for you sweetheart!!!! so excited to share in the experience of Janette's fun idea together! your space is such a beloved thing, i wish i could visit more but when i do come by there's always a jolt of the happies infused, staying with me all day through : )
congrats on being nominated and the stellar Blogscar you created is uh-mazing! xo ♥
Tur att det gick att embedda i bloggen. Var in flera gånger igår men det var nåt error som kom upp varje gång.
Kändes ju lite orättvist att jag inte fick rösta i just den kategorin jag var intresserad av :)
Done ;)
Va kul Lisa! Detta visste jag inte om dig.
Önskar Dig all lycka!
//Hälsningar: Micha & Sarah
(Gamla vänner från London)
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xo Lisa
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