I finished my pattern, yay! It took a lot longer than I thought, pattern design is tricky business! But I'm really happy with it, and now I can do a lot of variations in different colours.
What do you think?
I am so excited over my new Karen Millen dress! It's absolutely gorgeous! I went with James' mum Gloria to find a dress for James' brother Carl's wedding in May. And as soon as we saw that amazing dress we knew it was the one! :)
Couldn't find a photo of the dress on the net so you'll have to wait until I'm actually wearing it, but this dress is also a beautiful Karen Millen piece.
Thanks so much to Gloria for a fabulous day!
Today I have spent too much time in front of my computer I think... I have put together a playlist for my friend Elin's wedding that I'm going to in three weeks. And then I coloured in my patterns which takes aaaaages since there's so much details, but it's looking really good! Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow.
Now I am going to relax with a tv show that absolutely do not require you to use any brain cells; "Swedish Hollywood Wives" love it! :)
Image from here
This week I was interviewed by the lovely peeps at Jotta.com. Check out the article about me and my work here!
1. Shopping
2. Baking something yummie
3. Finishing off the pattern and uploading it on the blog.
It's gonna be a great day! Hope you are having a nice Saturday too!
Since I'm into pattern design right now I thought I'd show you some work of another Lisa - Danish designer Lisa Grue. I really like her style and the way she uses colours.
Anyway, my monkey came and cheered me up with a nice dinner and glass of wine so I'm happy now!