Hello! I'm Lisa. In this blog you'll find the best pieces of me; my designs, recipes, inspiration, outfits and my adventures starting up my own design business. Welcome!
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Soft gingerbread cake is one of my favourites at Christmas tea time in Sweden, this year I made gingerbread cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for a little twist on the classic "pepparkaka", and they turned out a big hit amongst both kids and grownups! I was thrilled when I discovered that Ocado now sells this "mjuk pepparkaka" mix online in the Uk (together with lots of other goodies in their Swedish range, yay!), you can of course bake gingerbread cake from scratch but using a mix makes it so much easier and quicker, perfect for quickly whipping up these pretties for a Christmas party! Here is what you need: Gingerbread cupcakes
1 Kungsörnen Pepparkaka - Soft Gingerbread Mix 420 g
200 ml water
1 egg (optional)
50 g butter (optional)
Cream Cheese Frosting
200 g philadelphia cream cheese
200 g icing sugar
60 g butter
15 ml lemon juice
Heat oven to 175°C. Pour the dry mix into a bowl and add 200ml water. Beat for 1 minute by hand or mixer. For an extra moist cake, add 1 egg and 50g melted butter to the mix before baking. Pour the mixture into the muffin cases (fill them up to about 3/4) and bake for approximately 25 minutes in the lower part of oven. Stick a fork or metal skewer in one cake to test if they are ready, if it comes up dry you're golden. Let the muffins cool down before applying the frosting. Mix the cream cheese, lemon juice, butter and icing sugar in a bowl with an electrical hand mixer until smooth. Put the frosting in a piping bag and pipe away!
If you've got some gingerbread snaps at home you can crunch a couple up and decorate the cupcakes with the crumbs.
Here are a few photos of my new product, the 'Peacock & Figs' notebook/journal. It was a long process of researching printers and companies who can do bookbinding, but in the end I got a really well made and beautiful product! The notebooks are traditionally bound hard cover books and are printed with my hand painted Peacock pattern design. It has blank pages inside and is made in England. The Peacock & Figs notebook is available now on Notonthehighstreet.com and soon on lisaedoff.com as well!
Last weekend was my first market stall-holder experience, it was hard work but fun! I had prepared by organising special display stands for the trays and I made signs and little cupcakes to tempt customers to my table, I think my stand looked really good! Just before the market I got this new product, the peacock notebook, they are really lovely! Will show more photos and add them to my web shop soon. Here's me on the second day of the market, that was the day I enjoyed the most. It was quite good sales wise and my neighbour stall-holder was a really nice lady called Fiona who sells handmade jewellery and stationary under the name Belle Cards and Gifts. I will be back at Craft Jam market this Fri+Sat (the 7th and 8th) and I am selling my trays at a special discounted market price, so come on down to Kingly Court, off Carnaby Street and get some unique xmas gifts! Photo courtesy of bourgeois-boheme.com
You may use my photographs on your non-commercial website/blog, on the condition that you give me full credit and link back to this blog. This excludes all of my pattern and graphic design images, please contact me on lisaedoff [at] gmail [dot] com before using them on your site. Thank you!