Hello! I'm Lisa. In this blog you'll find the best pieces of me; my designs, recipes, inspiration, outfits and my adventures starting up my own design business. Welcome!
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Last week we exhibited at Formex, the largest design trade show in Scandinavia. It's a lot of work building your stand and exhibiting for 4 days, but this time it was so worth it! I'm just really really happy with the whole experience, here are some highlights... Three of my silk scarves; 'Sailor Bird', 'Wonderland' and 'Peacock', were selected for the trend exhibition in the main entrance hall. They look really cool I think together with those colourful water hoses and the other products. On the first day there was a press conference to open the show and announce the winner of Formex Formidable 2014 in which my Wonderland scarf was nominated! I didn't win but it was so fun being there and I was very honoured to have been nominated together with 19 very talented designers (from last year's show). This is what my stand looked like, a little universe of patterns! My mum created this "iPhone case tree" to show off my cases, so cute! I got such great feedback from press and buyers, thanks to everyone who visited my stand!
13 Jan 2015
Welcome to visit me at Formex design fair in Stockholm, 14-17th of jan, booth B17:33!
2 Jan 2015
Happy 2015 everyone! I hope this new year will bring you all the happiness, love and excitement you wish for! Illustration by Angel Adoree
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas folks! To get into the spirit I'm giving away one of this year's bestsellers, my fairytale-inspired tray Wonderland. Perfect for Xmas servings, like coffee and gingerbread biscuits, my personal favourite.
To enter: - Follow @lisaedoff on instagram or like Lisa Edoff Design on Facebook - Share this pic with your followers and tag us - Use hash tag #lisaedoffxmas
I will announce the winner on Friday the 12th of Dec. Happy holidays everyone!
My Kickstarter campaign is finished and it was a success, hooray! The project was fully funded and 52 backers helped the launch of my silk scarf collection become a reality! I'm so happy and excited to move forward from here, the Wonderland Scarf Collection is my favourite line of products that I've created so far, and I can't wait for it to officially launch!
My sweet and super talented friend Messy La is hosting a competition right now to celebrate her 40k Pinterest-followers (yikes!). You can win this limited edition, signed print of my 'Sailor Bird' design, check out her blog for details! (and lots of cute diy's and recipes)
Today I have been thinking about bringing out a new design for iPhone cases. Soon I will start making cases for iPhone 6 and it would be fun to launch a new design. This pattern was inspired by English Beach Hits, I love the colours that are kind of clashing but still look good together, and the retro feel.
My project on Kickstarter is now 33% funded with 2,5 weeks to go, exciting! Below are some super cute items you can get by backing the campaign, the print and iPhone cases for iPhone 6 are only available through Kickstarter so get pledgin'! Choose from one of these mobile phone cases for iPhone 4/5/6. Sailor Bird silk scarf. Sailor Bird signed art print. The Wonderland silk scarf... makes a lovely gift!
I have launched a Kickstarter campaign! The goal is to raise funding to start the production of my new silk scarf collection, so exciting! Backers can pre-order scarves, or select other rewards such as Lisa Edoff Design iPhone cases, cushions or a limited edition print signed by me. Or you can donate a couple of dollars/euros/kronor just to support an up-and-coming hard-working designer :) Check it out and pledge here, you get 30% off all of the scarves, yay!
You may use my photographs on your non-commercial website/blog, on the condition that you give me full credit and link back to this blog. This excludes all of my pattern and graphic design images, please contact me on lisaedoff [at] gmail [dot] com before using them on your site. Thank you!