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21 Apr 2011

Why Not Pimp Your Mac? *

With these adorable Matryoshka desktop icons! You use them as folder icons, such a great idea! The icons are designed by Ben Schlitter at StudioBen and you can download them for free here. Have fun pimping! :)

*or PC


Miss A said...

So cute! I am obsessed with Matryoshka dolls and you have no idea how happy this post has made me! Thank you :D

my best friend jules said...

These are so much fun! I'll have to get these, for sure! :)
xox mervi

Pia said...

LOVE this! I have to download these!

Aprendeconvale said...

SO sweet!!! I will definitely download them!!!!

cb said...

they are super cute! will try this out!


Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Oh my goodness! I think I'm in LOVE! these are the cutest ever. Thanks for sharing!! :D

Luzmaría Alam said...

ajkjajaaj cute!!I like a lot this dolls :D We have at home

enie meenie said...

i have these on my desktop & I get sooo many compliments! they are amazing :)))

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i love goodness like this!!!!! thanks for sharing the wealth Lisa, so good. ♥

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xo Lisa

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