These amazingly cool cupcakes were made by Swedish prop stylist Lisa Edsälv. The collection is called "Couture Cupcakes" and were photographed by Therese Aldgård.
The Betsey Johnson ones are my favourites. I want!
These amazingly cool cupcakes were made by Swedish prop stylist Lisa Edsälv. The collection is called "Couture Cupcakes" and were photographed by Therese Aldgård.
The Betsey Johnson ones are my favourites. I want!
Yesterday I walked around after work and took some photos. The cutest picture is of course this one with the dog and family, they were sitting outside a pub, and it looked really sweet with the dog having its own seat. So I was going to take a sneak photo, but as soon as they saw me the kids wanted to pose as well, they were so sweet! And just after I took the shot, the dog jumped down and ran up to me and started licking my face, aaaaw!
It's the end of the workweek and I had an absolutely brilliant Friday! I have now been working at Wonderland WPA for a week, doing my placement. It started off a bit slow, I didn't have a lot to do. But yesterday was much better, and we had a really nice lunch out because there was three people who had their birthdays this week. Today was the best though, I worked on a really fun project, I enjoyed it so much. And then there was the mustache birthday celebration, what that was about I will leave unsaid, but it was hilarious for sure!
Anna channeling her inner Poirot!
PS. I did not draw the mustaches on in Photoshop! :)
Today was the first day at my design placement. It was good, but I felt a bit nervous 'cause I didn't really know what to do :) But now the scary first day is over, so from now on it will only get easier!
I did get to work on a design project straight away though, which was great! At the last internship I did it was almost like they had to invent some meaningless tasks for me to kill time, and when you're not getting paid that's not very satisfying.
Yesterday it was such beautiful weather, James and I went to a park nearby and had a yummie picnic dinner.
It's Tove's birthday today, woop woop! Tove is one of my best friends, and definitely my oldest, we met at our nursery when we were around two years old! I can't believe we have put up with each other for 25 years, ha ha.
Happy birthday Seashell, love you!
Ps. Did you like my translation? :)
Ok, it was more like I was serving them dinner but still! :)
On Thursday I worked with a catering company at the Victoria & Albert Museum where they were celebrating a new exhibition honouring Grace Kelly. It was an extremely fancy dinner for invited guests including His Serene Highness (it said so on the place card, not royal but serene) Prince Albert of Monaco, Ringo Starr, Joan Collins and supermodel Erin O' Connor.
I have served celebrities before but never royals so that was fun, although i can't say that Prince Albert really looks like a prince, more like any old man... but his girlfriend was very beautiful and actually seemed really nice! Ringo Starr and Erin O'Connor was sitting at the same table and they seemed to have a lot of fun. Everyone at their table screamed and applauded enthusiastically when the desserts were brought in, that kind of excitement is not usually shown at these posh and stiff events.
That was all the gossip from me, peace out!
I have ever seen are these gorgeous Easter eggs my mum got us last week when I was in Sweden. They were filled with chocolate and mint truffels from NK (a very posh department store in Stockholm). So pretty and yummie, talk about Easter eggs deluxe!
This picture of a teddybear doesn't have anything to do with anything, I just think it's really cool! And I also wanted to test this new little signature-thing at the bottom of the post while I wait for sushi and James to be delivered to my door! Have a nice weekend everyone!