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1 Apr 2011

Fresh and Fruity Dessert

Here's another entry for a food blog challenge, they are really fun if you like to cook! This is for a blog I adore: "Söta Saker" (Sweet Things), a lovely blog all about baking and desserts. This month's challenge was to make something with fruit, I made this super tasty and fresh dessert with vanilla yogurt, melon, mango, pineapple and sugar-roasted almonds.


Vanilla Yoghurt:

  • Natural yogurt
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • icing sugar
Marinated fruit:
  • melon, pineapple, mango, peaches or any other fruit you fancy!
  • fresh mint
  • 1 tbsp muscovado sugar
  • 1 lime
Roasted almonds:
  • almonds
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp water
Roast a handful of almonds in a dry pan. When they start to get a little colour, add the sugar and water while stirring. When the water has evaporated and the sugar is melted and golden brown, put the almonds on baking paper to cool.

Finely chop the fresh mint, mix with the muscovado sugar and the juice from the lime in a bowl. Dice the fruit and mix with the marinade.

Mix the yogurt with some icing sugar and the inside of the vanilla pod, you can also use vanilla essence. Place the fruit in the bottom of a glass, fill it up with yogurt and top with almonds.


pandora89 said...

I love yugurt deserts and especially this one!:) I definitely have to try it!:)

Amber said...

yum. This looks like a tasty treat

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa!!
it looks really delicious! I love cooking too, so i'm gonna try that :)

M said...

Åh, gillar verkligen din blogg! Himla fin och inspirerande (skrev på svenska eftersom det står att du kommer från Sverige...)

oona said...

Mmm hmm this looks delish! And I really like your buttons! They look amaazing (:

La Burbuja Rosa said...

It looks so delicious Lisa!

Aprendeconvale said...

congrats for your beautiful blog! this recipe lokks yummy! I will give it a try immediately!! kisses

Unknown said...

my mouth is watering!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

DROOOL! How delicious does this look!?!? WOW.

Sarah said...

MMMM. This looks DELICIOUS. My brothers are huge nut fans - I'll probably make it this weekend for them :D

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xo Lisa

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