Hello! I'm Lisa. In this blog you'll find the best pieces of me; my designs, recipes, inspiration, outfits and my adventures starting up my own design business. Welcome!
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I am working away on my computer because tomorrow something I will have something very cool to show you! Can't wait to see what you all think... Illustration by Inslee Haynes
Here comes the rest of my product photos, I hope you like them! In the beginning of next week I will receive my big delivery of trays and boards from Sweden, wohoo! I am so excited to go live with my webshop as well, it will be very soon! This is the medium Magnolia tray, how do you like my pink pastry? It is a version of Swedish semla, with raspberry cream instead of regular. Here is the "Wonderland" tray, this is my largest tray, it measures 36x28 cm. Close up of the illustration on the tray. When I designed this pattern I was inspired by "Alice in Wonderland" and Tim Walker's photographs. This is the Magnolia cheese board, it can also be used as a bread board, cutting board or trivet.
Happy Weekend everyone! Here comes the second instalment from our wedding, this one is about the ceremony, my favourite part of the day. So me and my bridesmaids had made it through the drizzling rain to the venue, it was now time to change from sneakers into my wedding shoes and get ready to go out to the beautiful conservatory where the ceremony was held, I was super nervous and excited! My cousins' daughters who hung out upstairs with their babysitters during the ceremony were a teeny bit curious... My cousins Frida, Anna and Julia performed two songs during the ceremony; one Swedish song called "Av Längtan Till Dig" and "Your Song" by Elton John. It was so beautiful, I had to try my hardest not to start bawling, especially when I saw other people cry! We mixed mine and James' cultures by including both Swedish and Jewish traditions. Our lovely registrar Helena was brilliant. Our first kiss! Mazel tov! After the ceremony James and I felt so happy and ecstatic that we were now married! Definitely the best day of our lives! All photos by Anna Malmberg
Yesterday I photographed my trays for the website, it was a fun but exhausting day! James' parents kindly let me use their garden as my set, and the weather gods were on my side because it was a beautiful day. Planning and organising which props to use for each tray was the part I enjoyed the most, I like photographing as well but it was quite tiring doing absolutely everything yourself, I can't wait til I'm famous and can afford to hire an assistant! :) It was all worth it in the end though when I saw the photos on my screen! Here's a photo of me with the trays that James took, I was thinking I could use it for the "About" page on my website... And here's a little sneak preview of the product shots, what do you think?
Last weekend we went to our good friend Nina's wedding in Malmö, Sweden. It was so much fun! They wedding had a 1930's theme, so everyone looked really glamorous. Nina and her now husband Axel looked so beautiful and happy. It was so lovely to see, we could reminisce about our wedding and we felt so happy for them. Me and my handsome husband! My friend Emily came down from Stockholm, James and I used to work with Nina and Emily at the Hard Rock Café in London back in 2006, in fact that's where we met! The party was really cool, there was a luxury buffé with oysters and goose liver... and they had a cigar room! Here's me and James doing our best "power couple" poses.
You may use my photographs on your non-commercial website/blog, on the condition that you give me full credit and link back to this blog. This excludes all of my pattern and graphic design images, please contact me on lisaedoff [at] gmail [dot] com before using them on your site. Thank you!