23 Mar 2011

Food Adventure at Borough Market

Last weekend James and I went to a food market in London called Borough Market.
The first thing we got was raclette, which is a Swiss speciality, it's basically potato with a special grilled cheese and cornichons.
James waiting in line with his ticket for the raclette.
Next we went to a stand with oysters, both James and I absolutely love oysters!
So we got one each of the biggest ones...animated gif maker
Animated gif maker
Then we looked at some beautiful meringues and macaroons...
but I decided to eat a huge German hot dog instead, delish!
There were amazing fish stalls...
but we bought something else that I had never tried before, which I'll show later on in the post!
This guy had the best cheese, we bought Camembert and blue cheese from him.
We also bought a box of oysters to take home, the oyster guy was so awesome, he chucked in extra oysters, a whole lemon and he even gave us some of his shallot vinegar to take away!

We had seven oysters each, with a really nice sourdough bread on the side, plus white wine of course!

Then it was time for the surprise main course - ostrich!
I'm quietly wondering what ostrich will be like...
delicious, it turns out!
Finally we had the wonderful cheeses with pear, crackers and quince jelly, best dinner ever!


  1. I'll pass on the oysters and ostrich...But the cheeses and crackers look yum-oh! Oh! And bee-tee-double-u.... You are radiance and gorgeousness personified! A beautypie! Wowsers!

    Janette, the Jongleur

  2. WOW that's a lot of good food in one post! I've never tried oysters...not sure I ever will :/ But the ostrich looks delicious! I've had ostrich jerky before and it was pretty good. Great photos of all your food adventures!

  3. Vilken härlig dag! Och perfekt avslutning med god middag och osbricka (är galen i all sorts ost!) Jättelyckade bilder också! =)

  4. Ohhh, I'd try everything!! Yum!
    Beautiful photos, seems like you've had lots of fun :)


  5. OH! I LOVE OYSTERS!!! I am craving them badly, now!! All your pictures are simply delicious...and you two look super happy. Love it.

  6. åh vilken fin och rolig post! nu blev jag sugen på mat igen! eller bara att okynnesäta massa god ost och dricka vin skulle va fint! :)
    tack för din fina kommentar, tekoppsdamen är nog oxå min favorit. hon är oxå den senaste teckningen jag gjorde, och den senaste blir nog alltid min favorit tror jag.
    kram karro!

  7. omgeeee! i am needing dinner asap after seeing all this goodness. but gosh that ostrich is a variable i had not ever considered. perhaps one day you could introduce me? awe, but you two are both so darling in those photos. love it! ♥

  8. i am in awe! your day sounds so wonderful and amazing and filled with yummy food! well any day filled with a bunch of oysters is a day well spent! wow ostrich is red meat? who would of thought! did it taste like beef?
    great video of you eating the oyster!


  9. Det ser supermysigt ut, strosa omkring där och fota...å äta.
    Jag har aldrig smakat macaroons, har du? Vad smakar de?
    Kram Malin

  10. that video/those pictures of you eating the oyster look cool!

  11. wowwww what a dinner!! i love raqlette, my bf is german and we have it with his family at Christmas time, they have a little grill and you each make your own potato pan with cheese and toppings. Delish!!
    x krystie

  12. Som den mat-nörd jag är uppskattade jag speciellt detta. Härliga foton! Tack för att du delar med dig!


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xo Lisa

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