20 Mar 2011

Pick Me Up 2011

Yesterday I went with my friend Lauren to my favourite London exhibition, "Pick Me Up" at Somerseth House. It shows fresh work from new and very talented graphic designers and illustrators from around the world.
It was at Somerseth House, and is still on until the 27th of March.
My favourite pieces were by Jessica Hische, I have written about her website "Daily Dropcap" before. She showcased her awesome typography on posters.
There were also lots of cool illustrated magazines and books that you could buy.
I really like this owl print, I don't remember what the designer was called though.
This funky poster was by Swedish designer Clara Terne.
Lauren checking out some books.
Another typographic poster by Jessica Hische.
Me and Lauren as a marshmallow and wood log!
This zebra print was really well done as well I thought.
Illustration by Yoh Nagao.

These dogs on the teapots are quite weird!
And at the end there was a nice 3D installation of a forest.


  1. Such sweet eye candy! And you are the cutest marshmallow I've ever seen. For sure. Hands down. Unanimously!
    Janette, the Jongleur

  2. wow never seen Jessica Hisches stuff before... definitely a new fan.. that "for the love of letters" print is amazing! You take such great photos btw thanks for sharing your day with us!!!

  3. Oh what GREAT design inspiration. Thanks. I needed that.

  4. Vilken otroligt härlig blogg du har! Jag gillar bilderna skarpt!
    Kram Malin

  5. Looks like you had a ton of fun! I kept wondering how I was "losing" our blog, then I realized I hadn't followed it yet. *ahem* so here I am, your new follower.
    Happy Spring!

  6. oh, this was the one you spoke about on your other blogspace, exciting to see some of the stuff shown inside. so cool Jessica Hische was one of the artists featured, i adore her designs.

    the photo of you two is EPIC goodness!!!!!! happy week wishes. ♥

  7. Just came across your blog, it's really cute!
    I've never heard of this artist before but wow, I definitely want to see more now!
    I look forward to reading more of you <3


  8. Oh wow I love all of those! So cool. I think my favorite one has to be the Japanese illustration with the whales. Do you know the name of that artist?


  9. Super cool! Wish I could go! Thanks for sharing! Love it.

  10. How awesome! I could totally get lost in there for hours...umm, or maybe even days. :) I love those creepy doggy teapots and the "say it with flowers"!

  11. So many pretty things! I would love to visit an exhibit like that. I think the typography pieces were my favorites!

  12. what a great exhibit! i love the owl print and the whale balloon one! i love discovering new artists!



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xo Lisa

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