24 Mar 2011

Jennie's Food Challenge

Jennie Benjaminsson is a young Swedish chef and one of the finalists in the Swedish "Masterchef" tv show. My mum send me a link to her blog where every month she runs a competition, "monthly food challenge". This month's challenge is to create a recipe with chicken, here's my entry!

Healthy and Yummy Chicken Fajitas


  • Chicken fillets
  • baby gem lettuce
  • red pepper
  • onion
  • jalapeno peppers
  • fajita mix
  • mild or spicy salsa
  • cheddar cheese
  • sour cream or creme fraiche
  • fresh sweetcorn

Dice the chicken fillets and fry in a pan together with the chopped onion and peppers. Add the fajita mix and stir. Wash the lettuce and organize the leaves as "taco shells" on your plate. Grate the cheese and prepare the corn on the cob.

When the chicken is ready, place a little bit on each lettuce leaf. Then add grated cheese, jalapenos, salsa and creme fraiche/sour cream. Serve with the corn on the side and enjoy!


  1. Yum! Those sound delicious. I am finding myself more and more curious about Sweden as I'm finding all of these musicians from there that I love. I'm excited to check out the chef's blog! (Thanks to the translate function on my browser I'll actually be able to read it :)

    Happy Spring!

  2. looks very good! i'm hungry :D

  3. Både låter och ser übergott ut!! Tack för det receptet =)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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