8 Jun 2011

Sunny and Dramatic Picnic!

On Saturday I went to my friend Josefine's birthday picnic in Hyde Park.

The weather was fabulous!
Lovely Lauren was there...
and Lucy with a very pretty flower in her hair!
Everyone looked summery and pretty in floral dresses!
We had some pink Cava...
and Josie opened presents.
Antonia and her husband Mike.
Lucy and Katherine were excited about the cake.
We were all chilling in the sunshine when all of a sudden...
We witnessed a really dramatic police bust-up right next to us! There was a gang of kids who had been walking around the park for a few hours being noisy and kinda semed like they were looking for trouble. We saw some police vans driving around and were wondering what was going on when all of a sudden two police officers chased down two guys right next to us! They had guns and everything! Then a van pulls up with another policeman and he's got this super scary police dog and it was all very dramatic! We had no idea what the guys actually did but it was quite a big deal, there was a police helicopter hovering above us and loads of police officers around. And in the middle of everything there's us on a picnic blanket, ha ha! Lauren thought I was crazy for taking a photo but she was the one that looked like she was at the cinema, just watching intensely and wolfing down a youghurt at the same time :)
After the kids and police officers had left we could enjoy ourselves again, so to sum up it was a lovely and dramatic afternoon!


  1. So very lovely :) And dramatic, indeed!! :) I love the dresses!

  2. Oh, my! You guys will definitely not forget this birthday ever, haha. Lovely pictures ;).



  3. I love all of the florals, so pretty. Nothing like a police bust to liven up the afternoon!

  4. Happy Birthday to your friend! (i love her name, Josephina, absolutely lovely:) You looked GORGEOUS! And I absolutely loved the fun glasses and summer dresses all you ladies were wearing :) Glad you had such a great afternoon! and like Jordan said, nothing like a police bust to add a little spice to a picnic ;)

  5. LOVE all the floral outfits! Looks like you gals had a great time, even with the crazy drug bust. Thanks goodness for po-pos!

  6. Lol at what happened, thats insane, nothing like that happens much over here in Australia, that must of been awesome haha. Well photos look beautiful and it does look like you had a lovely time :)

  7. looks like a great day. I love her top! :D

  8. Oh my goodness! That's my kind of day!

    You girls are all so pretty and stylish...these pics belong in a fashion magazine spread! :) :) Too CUTE!

  9. That looks like such a wonderful time. Love your dress!

  10. Sounds like an AWESOME dramatic afternoon.

    ♥ sécia

  11. Ha ha, a nice litle slice of London life! :)

  12. Loving this floral heavy post! I just can't get enough of patterns. Looks like you gals had a wonderful time.

    x The Pretty Secrets

  13. It looks like you had a wonderful picnic, even with the police overhead. :) You're all such lovely ladies!

  14. i know i already commented :) but i wanted to say thanks for entering and being up for the pay it forward challenge Lisa! :) And i loved receiving letter and packages in the mail from my mom too! by the way, i LOVE that you say mum and post :)

  15. That was hilarious and scary all at once! This post cracks me up! It's like la, la, la, beautiful day in the park, lovely ladies, summer dresses then BAM cops and guns. Dang crazy b-day picnic!

  16. What a pretty picnic! All of your friends look so summery and pretty. It makes me want to have a picnic of my own! :)

  17. Stunning pictures! Love your smile ♥

  18. hi, i wandered over from ftlob... you have a lovely blog :) xo


  19. nice shots! :)
    that police thingy was :0


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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