31 May 2011

Headband DIY, Lemon Bread and The Proposal - May Roundup!

I can't believe May is already coming to an end! The only way to sum up the month is with a big wow! Of course the biggest, bestest, most huge and wonderful thing in my life this month was that my boyfriend James proposed to me (eeeep!). I loved sharing it with you guys as well, you are the best readers in the world! Even James exclaimed: "They're so nice!" when he read your comments!

But of course there was some other fun stuff going on too, here are my favourite posts!


  1. Congratulations on the engagement once again :) happy for u! And may I just add that lemon bread looks dee lish, I have never tried that, or heard of it! How awesome :)

  2. Love love and be in this moment! Happy for your happy life together and I am really digging these great photos :)

  3. congrats!! marriage is the best. and it seems as though you've caught yourself a good one ;)

    and the headband is gorgeous!! i can't wait to take photos in it :D

  4. looks like May was good month indeed! :) How did I miss the eraser-stamp and the lemon bread!? I'm excited to check them out :)

    And again, so happy for you with the engagement!! <3

  5. may was such a great month for you! i have a huge list of things to do and one of them is to make a stamp for my packaging, i can't wait!


  6. May was good. :)

    ♥ sécia

  7. Congrats again! You both look adorable in that shot.

  8. Awww! You guys are SERIOUSLY the cutest little couple ever. I'm so happy for you two! And I'm happy he thinks we're all nice. :D

  9. You two make a pretty adorable couple. Love your d.i.y.'s! I love the look of that lemon bread too. ;)

  10. Congratulations, I hope you are very happy!! :)

  11. EEEEEEE!!!! Congratulations!!! :)

    <3 Belly B

  12. What a handsome couple!!! You will have beautiful and crafty, artsy, and talented children! Yay! Congrats again!

    Janette the Jongleur

  13. hello from a new follower + congratulations on your engagement!

    i'm quite excited to have found you. your blog is so beautiful! the illustrations make me swoon.

    it's lovely to meet you. :)

  14. you are a beautful couple! and love your craftings so much! wish you a lovely 1st of June:-)

  15. AHHH!?! How did I miss that! I hate how much I miss when I'm MIA from the internet for a few days... CONGRATS lady love! You look absolutely radiant in your photographs (of course I went back to check it out!) Stunning ring on a stunning individual. So happy for you both x


  16. Oh my goodness, congrats!! That's so amazing, WOW! <3

    The rest of the pics are really cute, too!

  17. congratulations! enjoy everything about this time :) i cant wait to see what a stunning bride you're going to be!

  18. Grattis! :) Uuh den där headbandet (vaddetnuheterpåsvenska) är asläckert ju!

  19. Awww congratulations!!! My gf & I recently got engaged so I love reading about others who have too! :)

    M x www.whatwegandidnext.com

  20. Congratulation! And Happly marriage life.


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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