29 Apr 2011

A True English Beauty

I couldn't resiste putting up this lovely picture of Kate today! I know I said yesterday I didn't really care but now that I've watched the wedding on tv I do think it's quite a special day for the whole of England! It's just nice to see all the people out and how happy everyone looks. And Kate looks just amazing, I love her Alexander MvQueen dress, designed by Sarah Burton.
A tender moment at the wedding of the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and her Daniel last year.


  1. Awwww, they both look gorgeous! Great photos.



  2. It was a gorgeous wedding. And she's just lovely.

  3. She looked amazing!!! Wonderful wedding!
    Victoria and Daniel's wedding last year was magical as well! Watched it while on vacay in Germany, so beautiful!! xxx
    Happy Friday

  4. The wedding really turned out to be so special! I actually saw the entire thing at a food court of a mall. Can you believe it? Haha! Kate looked so, so, so gorgeous <3


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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