28 Apr 2011

Do You Take Thee Prince?

Tomorrow is the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton! Although it seems the whole of Britain is in a frenzy, I can't say I care that much about it... but of course it's a lovely thing and I'll definitely watch the recap of the ceremony afterwards. I find all the memorabilia out there quite amusing, you can literally buy anything with Will&Kate's faces on it! Here are some things I thought were cute... All Hail Britannia!

William & Kate Dress Up Book from Amazon.com
Super cute corgi tea towel, designed by Gemma Correll
Crown brooch by Anna Lou of London
And for the anti-royalists: royal wedding sick bags, designed by Lydia Leith


  1. No way!! Lisa I'm so totally excited!!
    I don't quite no why...but it doesn't happen every day! I have to say the sick bags are pretty darn funny though, lol xx

  2. I cannot wait to see the couple tomorrow! I love them, they seem to be deeply in love!!!!KISSES

  3. Ha ha.....spypåsarna var ju roliga. Jag blir nog bänkad framför TVn och kollar lite på bröllopet i alla fall.
    Kram Malin

  4. haha how cute! i especially love the corgi hand towels and the "sick bags"!! how clever.

  5. I'm not very excited about the wedding either, but it is a special occassion :)
    I love the tea towel and brooch! The sick bags are super funny, haha!

  6. The sick bags were spot on haha love them! But that might be because I'm a real anti-royalist :)

  7. Jag ska sitta bänkad framför det imorgon bitti. Hur spännande ska inte detta bli på en skala? Underbar blogg btw!

  8. Haha, so funny!
    And, it is also my wedding anniversary on April 29th, so we will have the same date! How funny!

  9. HAHA! That sick bag is funny! Weddings are fun!

  10. it is so crazy that some people get tomorrow off for it! i dont really care much they are just two people getting married but i am sure it will be fantastic! i love that towel so cute!


  11. I'm not going to lie, I'm really enjoying all of the hype over the wedding. Mainly because when I visited London I loved about every aspect of the city but also because I'm a secret history nerd! That sick bag made me have a total "shut up" moment too! So hilarious!

    xo Shannon

  12. those sick bags are funny, I am getting sick of all the coverage but I will be watching tomorrow

  13. ahahaha how cool these drawings are!!!Looove them!

  14. Oh, such a fancy corgi towel, I'm in love! XXD

  15. Awe, I love the crown brooch! :P

  16. Haha! Royal Wedding Sick Bags :D Vad roligt!! Lite mer intressantare grejer där än Victoria & Daniel prylarna.. Så här från en finländares synvinkel :)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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