8 Mar 2011

Celebrating Women With Swedish Semla

Today is International Women's Day, woop woop for us women! But there is also a special Swedish day called "fettisdagen". On this day we eat a special bun called semla or fastlagsbulle. Because I live in the UK I realised I hadn't had a semla for years, and I really love them! So today I made some... they were just as good as I remember! James and I had them with coffee, he had never had a semla and absolutely loved it!

I will post the recipe shortly!


  1. that is a sweet temptation,I'd like to taste one of them,they looks perfect!!!

  2. Had never heard of this! What is the middle of the buns? Looks good, definitely would try it.

  3. that looks so yummy! happy women's day!


  4. Can't wait for the recipe this looks delicious :)
    ♥ Noemi
    Fashion: http://www.classy-n-glamorous.blogspot.com
    Travel: http://www.brianna64-acrossthesea.blogspot.com/

  5. Mums! Jag och Jonas åkte till Nykvarn med en var sin semla i bagaget men de var så stora att jag inte orkade äta upp den.. Skandal, jag vet! Dina såg ut att vara i mer realistisk storlek =) Puss!

  6. oh YUM! can't wait for the recipe :)

  7. Hi Lisa! Thanks for visiting my blog! You sweet comment on my outfit post made me smile so much!
    You have a lovely blog and your designs are gorgeous!
    I'm following on bloglovin.

  8. Oh I forgot to say that this looks so yummy! Can't wait to see the recipe!

  9. Mmm, that looks so delicious!

    My friend (who is from Sweden!) made some delicious Saint Lucia bread not too long ago. I love that Sweden celebrates little holidays with yummy food. Jealous! :)

  10. Så gott med semla :-) fin blogg!


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xo Lisa

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