7 Mar 2011

Afternoon Tea

Last weekend when my mum was here we had afternoon tea at The Orangery at Kensington Palace, fancy!
It's a really beautiful place, the white decorated walls and ceiling are amazing!
On the table there was a small orange tree.
This is what came with the tea; small sandwiches, scones and fabulous little cakes on top!
We ordered one of each tea "menu" so we got to try all the cakes...
But my absolute favourite was actually the scone with clotted cream and strawberry jam, divine!


  1. i love going and having tea and eating all the fun little pastries! i wish there was a place in town but sadly there is not! there is a super cute one i have been wanting to go back to...i love tea so much! one of my favorite beverages!! so glad you had so much fun with your mom!!


  2. ooooh so sweeeeeet!I love teatime and all these delicious pastries!!Such cute post Lisa as always,very well done!

  3. Love the heart pastry. Would love to visit Kensington Palace one day!

  4. I'm so jealous! I never got to visit Kensington Palace during my studies in London. There used to be an English tea room here, but they closed. :( Glad you had such a wonderful time!

  5. Oh Wowza! I am loving your beautiful BLOG!!! Mind if I stay awhile? ;)

    p.s. All those lovely sweets have me starving right now!

  6. Oh my it all looks so delicious! Found you through Giselle @ "Machine Wash Warm" blog, glad I did :) I am now following you via twitter and GFC.
    ♥ Noemi
    Fashion: http://www.classy-n-glamorous.blogspot.com
    Travel: http://www.brianna64-acrossthesea.blogspot.com/

  7. Holy smokage Lisa! This looks faboo! I love love all things tea! Much to be said about this post...
    1. Clotted cream??! Sounds yum-oh!
    2. How cute that you got to share this with your mammers! So jealous!
    3. Your pictures are charming..what kind of cammy do you have? Lenses? I'm always curiouslike about such things...
    4. Have a great day and lovely post, friend!
    Janette, the Jongleur

  8. Oh, my! That looks like a divine tea in a beautiful place. Tea seems like a lovely thing to share with you Mom, too.

    Take Care,

  9. Ser helt fantastiskt ut! Vackert och så en massa mumsiga kakor - saknar verkligen de äkta engelska sconesen med grädde och sylt på =)

  10. That looks like a lovely place to have tea. I do so love a two person tea party with mom and me.


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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