13 Jul 2010

New Animation!

My Nude animation is finished! We had a "film premiere", everyone that works at Nude gathered around to watch it. I was so nervous, my heart was pounding when I pressed play! But it went really well, they all loved it! I am very happy with what I've done as well, hope you enjoy it too!

Thanks to James who volunteered to be beaten up for the sake of art! :)


  1. Haha fan vad cool! jag gillar den skarpt och fattar verkligen att de gjorde det med=) Go Mamasota!! Puss!

  2. HELT UNDERBAR, LISA! :D Du är verkligen hur duktig som helst! i love it!

  3. Tack så mycket Tove och Sofie! Gulliga ni är, jättekul att ni gillade animationen! Kraaam

  4. Grym jag kan fan inte säga nåt annat, du e så sjukligt grym! In a good way!!


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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