27 Jul 2010

France 1

I have just had the most wonderful holiday with James and my parents in the South of France! I can tell you, it's not fun to be back in rainy London!

We had the best of time though, here are a few photos:

Me and James on a boat trip.
Celebrations of France's national day in the village.
Mom and me at a café.

My dad at the short end of the table, having lunch with friends.
My parents have lots of herbs in the garden. I love picking them, basil, rosemary and fresh mint smell so good!

James inside a paddle-boat, so cute!


  1. aaah så vackert! Fint ni verkar haft det!

  2. Tack! Ja det var underbart, vill åka tillbaka! :)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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