19 Feb 2013

Pretty Bows

Hi everyone and happy Tuesday! It's a lovely sunny day here in London, soon I will go for a walk and send off some notebooks that people have ordered from my website, yay!
First I wanted to show you this new pattern design I've been working on, I call it "Rosetter" which is Swedish for bows. It's more simplistic than my usual style, but I think it would look very nice on fabric or wrapping paper. Which colour combination is your favourite?

Interested in licensing this design? Please check out my website for information or email info@lisaedoff.com


  1. oh this one is super cute! I love the yellow, grey & light pink.

  2. Jag tycker att den skulle vara toksnygg som tapet! Beroende på storleken på mönstret förstås, är det supersmå rosetter så kanske det ser lite kluddigt ut, som med alla småmönstrade tapeter (IMO).

    Tycker jäääättemycket om den gröna, men den lila var också väldigt fin! :)

  3. Love the new design! My favorite is the one with the grey background :)


  4. all are darling, would definitely wrap up presents in this pattern! Love the blue and gray. :)

  5. Alla färgställningar ser jättefina ut, tycker Ma. Mycket använbart mönster! Hurra, bra jobbat!

  6. Thank you everyone for your great feedback!

  7. Oh, I love that bows are coming into the spotlight! I adore the pink one in particular!

  8. I love the bow design, here are my top two:
    blue & grey
    white & blk

  9. Väldigt fina! Jag tyckte om den med gul bakgrund mest!


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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