25 Mar 2012

Spring Feelings

Spring is my favourite season. It brings such joy and hope after the long, dark winter and I always feel happy and excited when the days start to get longer and the mild air fills with lovely smells of flowers and spring bonfires.

This spring I am going to:
  • Train for a 10k run in July
  • Design and send out our wedding invitations
  • Keep working with my company towards a Lisa Edoff Design product launch
  • Show James' parents Sweden
  • Drink wine in the park
What are your spring plans?


  1. Spring is one of my favorites also! Even if in Florida ours only last a month or two! I plan on starting my garden back up and starting my training for the ColorRun 2012.

    -Madeline Grace
    Just Let the Sparrows Fly

  2. Spring is so beautiful! Pictures like these prove that! :) I'm going to get ready for a play in April, and hopefully start running again!


  3. such great spring activities you have going on sweetie! always i wish you the best of luck on getting your design career up! i was wondering if you had any tips? i am always looking for advice on how to get my business going and since you are so talented i would love to hear from you. <3

  4. @Madeline Grace and Vivi:
    Your plans sounds amazing, I´d love to have a garden and how exciting with the play!!

    Thanks so much for your kind words! I am currently at the planning stage of my business, but soon I will start my plan of action and then I´ll get back to you and share my experiences and advice!
    So far I've learned how to describe and plan my idea and that's because I needed a clear vision when I applied to the business grant. I had to answer questions like "What is unique about your product?", "how do you plan to market and let people know about your designs?" and "what are your short-term and long-term goals?"
    Thinking about these questions really helped me to focus and work out my plan of action to achieve my goals, so I can recommend doing that!
    Also, there are lots of great websites with tons of advice for small businesses, I don't know that many American ones but a good english one is Smarta.com, very inspirational!

    xo Lisa

  5. Sounds like an amazing Spring season! I'm also hoping to run a 10k in the next few months :)


  6. Aaaah, wine in the park... you inspire me! ^^
    Have fun, I would love to see Sweden one day, it must be beautiful!

  7. Happy Spring Lisa. I love your list of to-do's, and lots to look forward to it seems :)

  8. This was such a cute post! I'm loving spring weather right now as well, it's so refreshing. I made myself a list too, including working on more blog features and also doing yoga at least 3-5 times a week. Thanks for sharing your goals! Good luck with all of them :)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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