23 Aug 2011

My Birthday in Pictures

I had a really lovely birthday last week, here are a few photos:
I got these flowers from my boss at work, so sweet of her!
James and I went to a fabulous restaurant called The Lobster Pot. We had a surprise tasting menu with 8 courses!

James was wearing his snazzy new shoes!

James gave me this watch as a birthday pressie, I love it!
This was one of our favourites: perch with the most delicious basil sauce and carrot puré.
The inside of the restaurant is decorated as if you were on a boat, very charming!
Lobster with mushrooms and a sauce with Pernod, mmm!

Crépe with crème brûlée inside, it was like two delicious desserts in one!

Here are some other cute things I got from my friends Josefine and Lauren:
A beautifully packaged soap...
typewriter stamp set...
and super cute chopsticks!


  1. That looks like a lovely day! The restaurant looks very good and I like all the gifts! What a stunning watch and it really suits you:)

    And love your outfit by the way<3

  2. Grattis!! Älskar hummer, såg hur gott ut som helst!

  3. What a fabulous birthday!!! You looked so pretty! By the way, I love your gifts; they're so cute!


    Rocio R.

  4. those flower are beautiful! and i love the type ink stamps, soooo cute! you could do such fun things with those! glad you had a wonderful and YUMMY birthday!

  5. glad you had such a lovely time celebrating your birthday with your fiance!! :) And that dinner looked divine...I seriously may have just drooled ;)

  6. lovely captures of a very special day!!!I'm sure you've spent a wonderful time!!!

  7. This looks like a pretty stellar bday! I, of course, am I huge fan of all the food pictures. Deeeeelish!

    x The Pretty Secrets

  8. Happy belated birthday. Great photos. Especially the foo looks great.

  9. Lobster, mushrooms and pernod...omg I die!

  10. Love your outfit! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and that restaurant seems so fun! :]

  11. Just stumbled upon your blog & I love it! You are so adorable, and I love all the beautiful photographs! Happy belated birthday... it looks like it was a good one!! :)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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