6 Jul 2011

I Found Myself on Pinterest!

When checking if my blog's name comes up on Google I stumbled upon this Pinterest-pin of my "Ice Cream Blossom" pattern, that made me so happy! Just the fact that someone liked my design so much they pinned it, man that's cool!

So I thought I'd check if there were anymore pins from A Piece of Lisa... turns out there's loads! I'm so excited right now, finding yourself on Pinterest is such an ego boost!

If anyone that has pinned something from here reads this, thanks ever so much! It really made my day!


  1. COOL! You know, I saw you on the Craft Gawker app.. I think that's what it's called...Have you heard of it? It was your DIY stampy thing project! CONGRATS! People are noticing your talent!

  2. It's official - you are famous and will now be stalked by Pinterest Papparazzi (and I am one of them). :)

  3. That is so cool! You definitely deserve to be on Pinterest. :)

  4. thats awesome. I would totally gloat for days

  5. Cool! That's always a fun thing to find. :)

    ♥ sécia

  6. Pinterest? I must check this out! I also found you on Craftgawker!

  7. That's awesome! How did you check to see if you had been pinned?

  8. oh this is awesome! its crazy where things end up once you put them up on the internet. congrats :-)

  9. Thanks everyone! :) @ Em: if you pin something from your blog/website on Pinterest, you can click on a link where it says "more from http://xxxx.com" Then all the pin from the same url comes up!

    xo Lisa

  10. That is so exciting! I don't have pinterest yet, but everyone keeps saying how cool and inspirational it is! So maybe I will start one this weekend, hehe. You are such a talented artist and you deserve to be on a million pinterests!! :)

  11. Woohooo well done! I have just started to use Pinterest - took me a while to figure it out lol.. ;)

  12. that is so awesome! i haven't googled myself, i should try that! keep rockin' lady!

  13. Ahhh this is so exciting! Such cute patterns!

    x The Pretty Secrets


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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