28 Jun 2011

Winner of the Sponsor Spot Giveaway - With a Surprise!

Hello dear friends,

Here comes a little surprise to show how much I appreciate every single one of you; instead of one winner of the sponsor spot giveaway we're gonna have three! Yay! I found it so hard to only pick one so I decided to give away one medium ad and two small ones! The winners were all chosen by random with random.org

The winner of the medium ad is Abbey of The Inglenook. I'm so pleased Abbey won because I really love this blog, her photos are beautiful!

The winner of one small ad each is Amy of I am Adorkable and Mel of Thrifted. Amy is a dear old blog buddy of mine, and Mel is a fresh new encounter so that's awesome too!

Congratulations girls! If you could email me your buttons that would be great! Abbey: yours is 225x110 pixels, Amy and Mel: yours need to be 110x110 pixels.


  1. whhhhaaattt??? i totally missed this giveaway!! where was i?? bummer! can you add a 4th place for the person who had no idea?? haha!

  2. Congrats, ladies! Jealous...

    ♥ sécia

  3. Awh Wow! Thank you so much! :D I'll make sure to email you tomorrow with my updated button :]

    xo Amy

  4. Yay! Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! I'll e-mail you right now :)

  5. Ooh! I am crazy excited right now. :) Thank-you for the nice comment on my blog. I will send you my blog button ASAP!


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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