14 May 2011

Lemon Bread

When I was in Sweden I made this fabulous lemon bread. We had it with our dinner; salmon cerviche and bulgur, it was perfect! The recipe comes from my favourite Swedish baking blog "Söta Saker", you can find the recipe here. I think you can translate it with Google translate. If it doesn't work and you really want the recipe, shoot me a comment and I'll translate it for you!

Ps. Tonight we are organizing a Eurovision Song Contest evening, yay! We're gonna have lots of snacks; veggies with dips, cold meats, olives, tortilla chips & James' guacamole, taramasalata and cocktail sausages, yum! I like England's song by Blue but we are rooting for Sweden so please vote for Eric Saade everyone! :)


  1. mmm looks great :D I like key lemon pie!! have fun today

  2. The bread looks deliciuos. You have fun tonight x

  3. um, miss lisa~ i love anything and everything lemon, and i will definitely try this delish recipe!!!

  4. That lemon bread looks amazing and that tin it is in is so beautiful! Will definitely have to try that recipe... And just dream about finding a similar tin!

    Katie x

  5. Ja det var fantastiskt tråkigt när blogger va nere! Men nu kan vi ju som sagt blogga igen och internet är som vanligt! :)
    Och asså brödet ser så sjukt underbart gott ut och bilderna är grymt fina! Brukar oxå kika in på Söta saker ibland, men blir så hungrig och sötsugen jämt! :)

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Love K

  6. din blogg e full av ljuvliga färger!

  7. Lemon bread! I am mouthwatering here! great pics! love the color you use!!

  8. This bread looks and sounds so yummy! I must check out the recipe :) I love how you put the bread rolls in the old tin box - so cute :)
    xox mervi

  9. oh my goshhh.. that looks so good! and the photos are realllly beautiful.. ah especially that first one. awesome job!

  10. This looks wonderful! I love anything with lemon!

  11. Vilken härlig blogg du har! Har varit här förut men förstod inte att du var svensk, men det verkar så nu...har jag rätt? :) Bröden ser supergoda ut, få saker slår hembakat bröd. Men jag har faktiskt aldrig testat matbröd med citron, kanske får bli nästa gång. Är de goda som t.ex. frukostbröd också tror du? Eller bäst till maträtter?

  12. This looks sooo delicious! And the first photo is my absolute favourite... makes me wanna bake lemon bread and drink tea and think of nothing else :)

  13. What a lovely blog you have! It makes me happy :)

    Have a nice day!


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xo Lisa

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