17 May 2011

DIY - Vintage Chic Headband

Hello lovelies! Here comes a brand new tutorial that I've created especially for you! You will learn how to make this elegant vintage-style headband, it's easier than it looks!
These are the materials you'll need: a plain elastic headband (this one is from H&M), some natural feathers (I ordered mine online from a craft shop), superglue, a decorative button and some nice ribbons.

After selecting 3-4 feathers, rip off the fluffy bottom bits and cut the feathers to make the "stem" shorter. Arrange them on the headband and glue them on one-by-one.
Take the ribbon and fold it into a bow-shape like this, glue between the layers so it stays like that. I also attached a little bit of a gold ribbon on the back of the bow, but of course you don't have to do this.
Now glue the ribbon on top of the feathers, hold it down for a while to make sure it's set.
After that it's time for the finishing touch - the button. I use the superglue to attach the button as well.

Experiment with colours, different kinds of ribbons and buttons, it's so much fun! This is another headband I made for my friend Josefine.


  1. You are so talented!! I am really impressed with all the new things you keep coming up with!

  2. Aww this is lush , i bet you would pay £5 plus in a shop for this . Im going to try this xxx


  3. It's lovely! I really like those feathers. Now I just need to have longer hair. :)

  4. they are so darn too as are you lady! what a great diy! i love it with braid too which i have been sporting lately!


  5. that is really cute, I want to try my hand at making one of these babies

  6. Oh you are so freakin cute! And the tutorial as well! :) Kram Karro

  7. Ohhhhhh....ahhhhhh! Both turned out so pretty...and my oh my, you make for a lovely model :). That side braid is perfection!

    {I always see those lovely bags of feathers at my local JoAnns but never knew what I could do with them until now...:)}

    Thanks for inspiring me :)

    xx Cat

  8. So so pretty. You are gorgeous!

  9. This headband is really cute <3


  10. Awe, what a cool idea! I love them both!



  11. So cute, I'm loving the braid in your hair!

  12. What a fantastic DIY - thanks so much for sharing! I'm so glad you turned me on to your blog!

    x The Pretty Secrets

  13. Ooh I've been meaning to make a pretty little feather I have floating around into a headband for a while... I love your idea of sticking a fancy button on too. (PS I have that same superglue... is it just me that's actually too weak to use it?) =) x

  14. That's such a cute tutorial! I have a big bag of feathers like those and I was trying to come up with some ideas for using them. This is a very good one. :)

  15. Thank you for the comment :] I came across your blog on Sofias Journal, and your header drew me in, its really cool :]

    Think I may have to add this tutorial to my summer list!


  16. I need to try this as soon as possible.

  17. ah i saw this post on my phone this morning.. so cuteeee. i really want to try it. i think i pretty much have all the supplies! i just need some time! great diy :)

  18. Such a cute idea! It would also be perfect for a gift or a party favor!


  19. this is super duper cute. i'm definitely going to try and make one!

  20. so lovely. It's so neat that you did this on yoru own... i would buy it in a store it's so gorg.

  21. Fantastic!!! I love how it is simple, yet makes a statement :) thanks for the tutorial! Can't wait to make a few myself :)

  22. okay, how cute is this?! you are darling and i love the diy lesson and result. plus i just twigged as to who you remind me of, i'm sure peeps have told you this before. um, Claudia Schiffer in her hay day much? xo ♥

  23. These are really pretty! And I just saw your easter egg tutorial too, that's awesome!

  24. Thanks for the how-to guide! It's inspired me to head on down to the craft shop to pick up supplies and have a go myself! :)

  25. Hi!

    Thanks for sharing! It's great!
    And I have to tell you that you look just like Avril Lavigne! I guess you have heard that before?

    Have a great day!
    best wishes from Lissie

  26. So beautiful :) I like both of them.


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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