21 Apr 2011

Easter Fortune Eggs DIY

I love chocolate Easter eggs, and I love the fun of opening a fortune cookie. So why not combine the two this Easter? This is your guide to make personalized Easter fortune eggs, a sweet gift for your family or friends!

This is what you need: kinder eggs, mini candy eggs, white chocolate, tissue paper, ribbons, small tags, pen and paper.
Start with carefully opening the kinder eggs, you can do it with a sharp knife or just by pressing on the middle of the eggs.
Write some sweet/funny Easter-related messages for the fortune. Try to personalize them but keep the Easter theme!
Roll the paper tightly to form tiny rolls.
Place the fortune and some mini candy eggs in one of the chocolate halves.
Melt the edges of the other half with a lighter, you only need to warm it for a few seconds.
Place the lid back on...
and gently squeeze together. Place the egg in the fridge for a few minutes to set.
In the meantime, melt the white chocolate and pour it into a small plastic bag. Cut a very small hole in one of the corners. Now you can decorate the eggs and make cute patterns.
Place the eggs back in the fridge for about 15 mins.
After that it's time to wrap the eggs in tissue paper, tie a ribbon around it and hang a little tag with the receiver's name on it.
The eggs are ready for my friends!



  1. what a great idea! you are so clever! i love kinder eggs :) i remember the first time i had them in italy! they have them in mexico now so whenever we go i make sure to get some!


  2. Oh this is so sweet! Detta måste jag göra! Sjukt fint! Tack för fina kommentarer hos mig! :) Hoppas du får en fantastisk påskhelg! Kram K

  3. That is so cute! I would love to get one of those! Wonderful blog!! Hugs xxx

  4. this idea is SO cute. thanks for sharing. this would be so fun to do as little gifts for the kiddies.
    thanks for coming by my blog and commenting too:) I have had fun with the photo project- it's so nice to know everyone enjoys it so much.
    Happy Easter
    ps. i am your newest follower!

  5. Brilliant idea, love it! ;)

  6. Oh my goodness. I want to be your "real life/within treat delivery distance" friend! ;) These little eggs are so egg-xiting. :) I also love: You ain't no egghead. HA!

  7. that is very clever opening the kinder egg like that!!!

    i used to looove putting together easter goodies for my brothers when i was little. they might think it a bit odd now...

  8. What a brilliant idea! Thank you so much for the tutorial ^^ The eggs look really cute! The pictures make me wish I celebrated Easter, hehe.

  9. That is so sweet! I just love the idea of it. I'll tuck it into my pocket- I hope I'll remember next year. I don't think I'll be able to find Kinder eggs on the Island (it's a really, really small island) but next year I'll give it a go.

    Happy Easter, you Creative Lady!

  10. This is such a good idea! I am so trying this out this easter.

  11. Vilken bra idé! Tack för tipset och vad fina äggen blev när du pyntade dem också =D

    En riktigt GLAD PÅSK till dig!!

  12. jaaa! Bra idé! Underbara bilder. Det här ska jag prova... fast kanske först nästa år :)

  13. vilka fina påskpresenter!

  14. aww that is so so cute! great idea! Thank you oh so much for commenting on my little blog, it is much appreciated! I think you are so beautiful as is your blog! Consider me a follower! :)

  15. Damn, I'm really behind on my blog reading - I wish I'd seen these before Easter! Very clever indeed :)

  16. det här var ju fiffigt! ska jag lägga på minnet.

  17. I loved the idea!
    I will keep to do next Easter!

  18. It's lovely!:-)


  19. oh, so cute:)) love those ideas <3

  20. Great idea! I'm definitely going to try this, thanks for sharing!


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xo Lisa

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