5 Apr 2011

Design Notebook: Elsa Billgren

Elsa is a Swedish photographer, TV-presenter and fashionista. She writes one of my absolute favourite blogs right now, on Swedish Elle's website. Her blog always makes me feel happy, it's like a beautiful fairytale world filled with macaroons, cool friends, trips to Paris, and Elsa herself who always looks vintage-amazing (apparently she doesn't own one pair of trousers!). Check it out!


  1. wow her style is vintage amazing! and yes her blog is so so happy, i like! thanks for sharing it! i wish i could read it but for now the pictures work wonders!


  2. She's got great style! I wish I could have a hair trade with her...LOVE the red.

  3. what a beautiful and vibrant hair colour!! :)

  4. sv: Tack så mycket! Gillar den själv mycket bättre än den förra (:

    Håller med om att Elsas blogg är fantastisk, hon är så himla fin!

  5. WOOOO HOWDY! SHE IS BEAUUUUTIFUL! I wish I could do my hair that color..And her blog is amazing too!
    Janette, the Jongleur

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. love this post! i have been reading for a while but have never said hi.... so, HI!

    Adventures of Newlyweds

  8. i'm gonna wanderlust over there right away! thanks for the info and those photos of her are wonderful. ♥

  9. Hey Lisa, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.http://mypangaloon.blogspot.com/ I adore your blog, you are so talented.
    That lady has bags of style, and what stunning hair. B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l

  10. elsa is a lady after my own heart if she doesn't wear trousers! i don't either. pretty much EVER.


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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