15 Mar 2011

My New Blog!

The LondonSwedes (LondonSvenskar) website is now live! I think it looks great, the team did a wicked job!
My blog on the site is called "Lisa's London", check it out here. And please write me a little comment, I've only got one so far! :) No but I would really appreciate a visit, and if you don't understand Swedish you can just look at the pics!


  1. I shall visit and comment! And I'll just look at the pics cause I definitely don't understand Swedish.. At. All!
    Janette, the Jongleur

  2. Lisa! you look beautiful!! :)I saw your blog but I don't understand Swedish hehe. I wish you good luck with your new blog!



  3. well, that was an awesome trip over to your new spot! thanks for the link lades, it's fab and mine was all translated using Google translator. it's easy peasy and then you can see the what what's clear as day. cheers to you doll. ♥


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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