2 Mar 2011

LondonSwedes Header

Hello! I haven't blogged for a few days because my mum has been here to visit me! It was so fun, we had lots of nice food and went shopping at markets and Oxford Street. I will show some pics later!

But firstly, here is my new header for the Swedish website "LondonSvenskar". My blog there is called "Lisa's London" (it's in Swedish though, that's why there's no apostrophe in "Lisas")

What do you think?

Here's a close up of the illustrated version of me:


  1. you are soooo darn cute!! i love the header and LOVE the name! so cute!!!!

    oh and isn't rosie's pose so silly! she just died laughing when we got the pictures back! i love my home so much, thanks for the sweet compliments!


  2. sooooo cute and very pop :)

  3. wooow that's so cute Lisa!!!Well done!

  4. Headern är jättesnygg och vad kul att du har haft din mamma på besök! Älskar älskar london och saknar verkligen den stan. Pluggar eller jobbar du där?

    Måste bara säga att designen på din blogg är helt fantastisk, min första tanke var:"wow, den här blir genast en favorit!"

  5. lisa, i LOVE it total! such a rad design...you are cute boosting me to the heavens today. ♥

    pea ess: how cool is it that your friend's going to be on the bachelorette in Sweden?! this must be every guys dream to have so many lovely ladies swooning around him 24/7 ; )

  6. dear lisa, many thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!I've just started to follow you! very cute blog! and most of all YUMMY YUMMY!I cannot wait to read all the recipes..and put itin my daily read!^.^

  7. It looks great! I've gotta say though you're a lot prettier than the illustrated version! hehe


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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