22 Feb 2011

Chocolate & Cheesecake Muffins

These are my best muffins. They are so good I can easily eat three in a go! Because what can be better than cheesecake and chocolate combined?

20 muffins

Ingredients: (Swedish measurements in brackets)

1 1/2 cups [3,5 dl] flour

1/2 tsp [1/2 tsk] baking powder

1/2 tsp [1/2 tsk] bicarbonate of soda

1/4 tsp [1/4 tsk] salt

125 g butter, room tempered

1 cup [2,5 dl] demerera sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cup [1 1/4 dl] cocoa powder

1 tsp [1 tsk] vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

2/3 cup [1,5 dl] milk

150 g dark chocolate of a good quality

Cheesecake filling:

300 g Philadelphia cream cheese

1/3 cup [3/4 dl] sugar

1 egg

1 tsp [1 tsk] vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

~ Preheat your oven to 175°c/350°F ~

Mix flour, baking powder, bicarbonate and salt in a large bowl and put to the side. Whisk the butter and demerera sugar with an electric mixer and add the eggs one by one. Using a wooden spoon, mix in the cocoa and the vanilla extract, then add milk and the dry ingredients you prepared earlier. Mix well but don't stir more than necessary. Lastly, break the chocolate in chunks and stir them in.
Make the cheesecake filling by using the electrical mixer to whisk the cream cheese until soft. Add sugar, egg and vanilla extract and whisk it all together so it becomes smooth and airy.
Now place around 20 muffin cases on a baking sheet, and spoon the chocolate batter into each case so it is about 2/3 full. Fill them up with cheesecake filling.

Bake in the oven on 175/350 degrees for about 20 minutes.


  1. These look amazing, I have to try these!

  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. nom nom nom <3

  3. Åh, dom ser helt galet goda ut!

  4. wooow I' m sure they smell so goooooood ...I ' m hungry right now!They're perfect with a hot cup of spice tea or chocolate ...mmmmmmm

  5. these look AMAZING! you are quite the chef! i haven't gotten around to making that bread yet but i am gonna try this weekend!!

    cupcakes are so awesome! i just came across making a fritta in a cupcake!! i am going to make that for the work week next week too!!


  6. Okej, den dagen jag bryter mitt nyårslöfte ska jag göra det m "dina" muffins. Låter sjukt gott! Salladen var en improvisation men klart du ska få veta hur jag gjorde ;-)

  7. Ser så gott ut, mästerkocken! Har ni ätit upp alla eller finns det någon kvar på lördag?
    1 runda för varje muffin, James!

  8. Oh, tack att du lade upp svenska mått också för de där muffinsen måste jag definitivt prova!!

  9. aaah vad irriterande att du gör sånt här.. jag blir så illa sugen vilket inte är så bra för jag kan inte BAKA... :-S

  10. Oh how could you?!

    Post these glorious pictures of the most delicious looking cupcakes every right when I'm in the middle of my diet?! They look amazing. I am saving this recipe for the first day of the END of my diet. hehe. Thanks for sharing!


  11. omg freaking delish! i so stealing this recipe!! LOVE


  12. Dom där ska göras här på grynnan snart! Oh Mama! :) Och så lite nostalgi när jag ser den fina gröna Ikea-muggen!

  13. Hi, thanks for reading! These look amazing, I shall add them to my muffin recipe stash :)


  15. oh yumo, these look so delicious! I think I'm going to have to maybe try making these...
    I'm chloe btw! your newest follower :) I found your link on the dainty squid, I really like your illustrations and I'll be sure to check out your blog again, it's great!

  16. omg i have to try to make these asap, delish!!!!

  17. Jag bara MÅSTE göra de här! Har tänkt det så länge men inte kommit mej för. Nästa projekt är dessa! De ser så mumsiga ut. Har nyligen testat en blåbärskaka med philadelphia i mitten som fick cheesecakesmak och det var kanon så jag kan verkligen tänka mej att de här är enormt goda!


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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