25 Jan 2011

Photo Shoot With LondonSwedes!

On Sunday I went to the LondonSwedes photo shoot in their studio in Bethnal Green, it was so much fun! They were photographing everyone who is going to work with them, I think we were about five bloggers and maybe seven editors.
Here's Charlotte, Christina and Sanna goofing around. Charlotte and Sanna are the driving forces behind LondonSwedes, Charlotte is Editor in Chief and Sanna's the Creative Director. I really like them and think they are extremely good at what they're doing, so I'm sure the site will be a success! Christina (in the middle) is another blogger and she was very lovely so looking forward to work with her as well!
This is Sina, he's in charge of advertising for the site, a really nice guy as well!
After everyone had done their portrait pictures, they wanted us to do some group shots. I was just happy I wasn't at the bottom for this one!
Really excited to see the photos and looking forward to start blogging for LondonSvenskar!


  1. the human pyramid! that one is hard but you guys did it! looks like so much fun!


  2. ååh, men vad söt du är! har kollat igenom din blogg lite och hela din portfolio, och jag måste säga att jag är hur imponerad som helst! satan vad du är duktig! gud vad fint allt du gjort är! det var himlans trevligt att träffa dig med, ser framemot att ses igen :)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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