4 Jan 2011

New Years Eve

Here are some pics from my New Year's Eve. We didn't wanna make a huge deal of it so we had a dinner party with a few friends. For 12 0' clock we went to a bridge in Highgate that has got a great view of London, and had champagne and watched the fireworks.
James and I are preparing the starter; salmon tartar...
and it was a huge success! Really delicious if I may say so myself!
Sofia was looking lovely.
Ben was there...
and his brother Jamie.
For dessert I used my mom's recipe, I love this one, it's like a frozen raspberry mousse.
James liked it!
And then of course some Singstar!

1 comment:

  1. you look adorable! and damn you guys went all out with your salmon tartar which by the way looks so good! looks like you had a great night! i love sipping on champagne on new years eve, it is the perfect occasion!



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xo Lisa

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