27 Jan 2011

Does Anyone Know What This Is?

Look what I got in the mail today, together with my baking tools that I ordered from Amazon. It's really odd because I didn't order this and there wasn't any note explaining a) why they included it with my order and b) what the hell it is?

First we thought it was a mini rolling pin, but that just seems stupid! Then James suggested that it's the thing you use with a mortar to crush herbs... maybe he's right, what do you think?

What I actually ordered was these tools that Lorraine Pascal says are essential when baking, so of course I had to get them :) I think I'm gonna make her soda bread tomorrow, yum!


  1. woooow how fun! What odd tools aahahaha!
    I found your blog surfing in the web and let me say that it's a fantastic place to visit! Good job!!


  2. nah, I think it is a mini rolling pin after all - but yes, it is the randomest free sample :) Ax

  3. hmmm not sure...but yea i would think it were a mini rolling pin...what a strange thing to include...why not contact the seller and ask? well whatever it is have fun using it :D


  4. if its really heavy it might be for crushing herbs..how strange if it was a mini rolling pin!! :)
    Lisa, thank you so much for re-visiting my blog and taking time to comment. it ment so much to me you can't believe!

    P.s. lovely glasses!

    La xo


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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