29 Jan 2011

Did You Know There's a Place in London Where Women Are Not Allowed?

At least not in some of the rooms! That silly tradition lives on in this "Gentleman's Club" called East India Club, in St James' Square. We had dinner there last night, James' brother is a member there. It looks like you're in someone's posh house. Women can go into the restaurant, but most of the other rooms are a no-no such as the leisure room and bars. I put my foot over the threshold of the room I wasn't supposed to be in, just to break the rules. I'm such a rebel! Power to the women!
This is what I wore last night. I dug out this faux-leather skirt from my wardrobe in Sweden last time I was home, I got it when I was around 17, ten years ago.
I felt really happy wearing it again because I associate it with a strong and lovely memory of when my friend Tove borrowed it. Tove, Sofia and I went to a concert in Stockholm where we saw Håkan Hellström and The Ark, and we had the best of times. And every time I look at the skirt I see 17-year-old Tove on my back, I was carrying her so she could see better, and the seem on the side of the skirt came open but it didn't matter cause we were so happy and we had so much fun.


  1. Haha! Vilket minne! Det kommer inte jag ihåg.. Men det var en riktigt kul kväll det där! Haha, vilka bilder det projicerar.. =)

  2. Ja det var en härlig kväll! Konstigt ibland vilka detaljer det är man kommer ihåg :) Jag minns även att det satt någon på bussen på vägen till konserten som luktade skunk och vi viskade typ "använd deo" innan vi gick av, ha ha!

  3. Åh tänk om jag hade kunnat komma i något som jag hade för så länge sedan. Det hade varit grymt! Snygg du var!

  4. hahhah you've broken all "man" rules! :) Your outfit is very cute by the way, I'm loving the white top and grey cardigan :)


  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog, you have a very cute blog too :-)

  6. Stenåldersklubbar alltså. Det finns väl motsvarande i Sverige också?

  7. You are so beautiful! I love love your blog. Thanks so much for dropping by mine so I could discover yours! Love it.


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xo Lisa

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