29 Dec 2010

Christmas Fun in Sweden

I had a lovely lovely Christmas at home in Sweden. The weather was fantastic; cold, dry and lots of snow. When we got off the plane we got a bit of a shock because it was -18! And later that evening it was -25, brrr! It's so beautiful though, so quiet and the snow's glittering like diamonds.
My mom and dad..
and brother Peter.
James and I the day we arrived, a bit tired but happy!
My lovely auntie Ewa-Lena and cousin Julia.
The Christmas buffet was amazing, everyone fell into food coma afterwards!
Swedish Christmas bread.
Me and Julia.
For coffee my mom had made so many different types of biscuits!
Then it was time for pressies!
We make a rhyme/poem for every present that is supposed to give a clue of what's inside, here's Peter reading one out for dad.
Seems like he liked it!
I made some fudge from this recipe, highly recommended! The recipe is in Swedish, but you can use Google translate if you're not Swedish :)
Ewa-Lena taking some snaps...

My mom tried on a fake "tattoo sleeve" that Peter gave dad, then we took a photo and sent it to my uncle as a joke!
Tough mama!
Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. okay, my eyes got really BIG there for a sec! haha, i've just found your blog and am loving it, so while strolling through i see your mamma....tattoo lady is what!

    it looked so real, i was like woah, cool. your family looks like the best fun and you & james are adorable. it's happiness to find you, i'll be following! ♥


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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