12 Oct 2010

Home Made Pasta by Peter!

Last weekend my big brother Peter came to visit. On Friday he put his
culinary skills to the test and cooked us an amazing dinner!
Peter made pasta from scratch, we don't have a pasta machine or even a 
rolling pin so he had to use an empty wine bottle...
But as you can see it worked out perfectly!
Anneli was there.
Peter made two different pasta dishes, one fettucini with meat and one lasagne 
with smoked salmon, soooo good!
James got a penguin shower cap as a belated birthday present! Who doesn't need a 
penguin shower cap?


  1. Hörde i skolans matsal av en "mattant" att Peter varit i London och lagat mat.
    Tänk vad världen är liten!
    Mamma Kena


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xo Lisa

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