26 Oct 2010


The spindle for my cake stand has arrived! I bought this lovely cake stand at a flea market in France in July. But the spindle in the middle who holds the plate together was broken, so I have been looking for a new one ever since. Finally I found one a couple of weeks ago on ebay, hurray!

Now I just need to make some cakes!

Isn't it pretty?


  1. Åh vad fint! Vi tänkte också göra en egen sådan av våra fat. Var har du hittat den?

  2. Tack! Jag köpte den på loppis i Frankrike, men den är gjord i England. Skulle nog vara kul att göra en själv, fast man måste ju borra hål i tallrikarna då, så det är kanske knepigt?
    Kram L

  3. Such a pretty cake stand! Colour me jealous.

  4. I absolutely love this Cake Stand! I sort of want it!!! Very lovely, and from a flea market in France..ahhhh bliss xx Stacey


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xo Lisa

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