11 Sept 2010


Kid's parties are intense! So the photographing went well, but man those little ones can run around! Have actually never photographed kids before, except for my goddaughter but she can't walk yet so that's a bit easier! It was tricky to catch a good photo of course but fun at the same time, since you can get more 'real' shots than when adults pose. Here are my two favourite shots from the ballpit... so sweet!


  1. You did a fantastic job! The photos look great and the film is top notch (such a wonderful memory for Christopher to have). I know it's difficult to photograph these little monsters (they are not in the same spot for more than one millisecond at a time), but you managed brilliantly. I hope we didn't scare you for many years to come... Annax

  2. Great! I'm so pleased the photos were good. Ha ha, no no, I'm not scared off, the kids were very sweet as well as fast! I heard one little boy say to Christopher: "Thank you for a brilliant part!" Awww! :)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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