21 Aug 2010

Surprise Party!

Last night James tricked me!
We had planned to go out for dinner at The Flask, it's a really nice pub in Highgate. James was taking longer than usual to get ready, he showered for ages, little did I know it was for a reason...
I was wearing this dress from Mexx.

We arrived at The Flask, unknowingly I went inside...
where I found a surprise party for me that James had organized!
Carl was there...
from him and Vicky I got Hotel Chocolat goodies, some lovely engraved glasses and a brilliant card!
Here's the card to the right, it's hamsters and cats dressed up as Abba. Jess made me the card on the left, it was also very brilliant.
Lovely James and Meera came along as well, yay!
And Jamie! From Jamie I got a great card (below) and a dvd box set with "Unattractive Beatrice" (as he calls it) which I don't watch, but he was honest and admitted that it was a freebie from work :) Hello exchange-shop!
Josefine was there, and she gave me...
these earrings, I love them!
Me with the pretty ladies Meera and Josie.

I was actually really touched that James had organized this for me, I've never had a surprise birthday party before! It was so much fun, thanks everyone who came along and of course thank you so much James.


  1. ååh vad härligt!! Fint gjort av honom! Lycka!

  2. Ja verkligen, blev så glad och rörd!

  3. va fina bilder! måste kolla in the flask, bor rätt nära till highgate! =)


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xo Lisa

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