8 Aug 2010

Little London Fields Festival

Yesterday I met up with Josefine at the V&A Museum, we were going to have a look at the winners of the V&A illustration awards. Unfortunately it was a bit crap, but we enjoyed the back "garden" of the museum were we had ice cream and climbed in this tree sculpture, I felt like a kid again!
Beautiful hortensia en masse!

Then we went to Hackney to check out a free festival called Little London Fields Festival. We were pleasantly surprised when we realised it was right opposite of the lovely Broadway market.
The market had lots of food stalls, plus hand made jewellery, soaps and other things. This was like a coffee machine motorcycle (or something) were you could buy an espresso! So cute!
We had paella, and then churros for dessert (with thick chocolate sauce dip). It was so good I can't even describe it!

Josie checking out some nice prints...
and bags...
and knitted ice cream cones!
This girl sold hand made brooches and hair accessories. I love the way she looks! She looks like a different species...
For £3 you could paint a gnome if you wanted to... we gave it a skip!
We listened to up-and-coming bands, some were actually good!
Josefine's friend Kayleigh came along.
it was more relaxed than most festivals, a lot of people brought their kids. These must be the cutest twin babies ever! So adorable!

What a fun day!


  1. åååh så mycket coolt de fanns där. Attans då jag inte va me!!!

  2. Hi Lisa,
    my name is Sophie and I ran the market at Little London Fields Festival last year, your photos are really lovely and I wondered if you would mind me using them on the Designers / Makers website that will be launching next month? Designers / Makers will be holding a weekly market in Hackney from April, similar to the one at the festival.
    If it is ok, would you be able to send me high res copies to info@designersmakers.com?
    thanks very much

  3. wow what a funny place! I adore festivals atmosphere!


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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