23 Aug 2010

Healthy Fajitas

Here's a healthy and very delicious dinner tip! Last night we had chicken fajitas, but instead of putting all the good stuff in tortilla bread or taco shells James used romain lettuce. It was sooo good! So basically what you do is prepare everything that you normally have in your fajitas or tacos and place on the lettuce leaves, we had chicken and onion fried in fajitas-mix, grated cheese, jalapeno peppers, salsa and creme fraiche. I think it would be really yummie with minced meat, vegetables and feta cheese as well. Mmm!


  1. Ser väldigt gott ut. Trots att jag är vegg haha :D

  2. Ha ha, det var ett fint betyg! Men du skulle ju kunna lägga i quorn tex... :)

  3. Busgott! Ska apa efter.


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xo Lisa

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