13 Jun 2010

Nude Animation

Here are some preview images from my animation I am working on for Nude (the design company where I am currently doing a placement).

These images are from the intro sequence. I have to finish it next week, I'm supposed to show it to everyone who works there on Friday. I am nervous that it's not gonna turn out as well as I am imagining it to be in my head, but fingers crossed it will!


  1. I really like the look of this. Can't wait to see the finished animation. Good luck sweet friend!

  2. Thanks Josie!! Will send it to you when it's finished. xx L

  3. Du kommer kunna visa det där med huvudet hållet högt-som alltid duktiga du!
    Puss på dig!

  4. Åh tack gos! Du e så söt! Hur var Prag förresten, har alltid velat åka dit.. Puss!


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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