14 May 2010

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Design!

I've been working at wonderlandWPA for four weeks now and it has been a really great experience. One of my favourite things I have done there was a design proposal for a coffee packaging for a Swedish brand called Löfbergs Lila. Wonderland has re-designed all of their products (really cool stuff I think), except that there was one type of coffee that they hadn't been able to "crack." All of the options they presented were rejected by the coffee company. So they asked me to come up with some new ideas for this Colombian blend. I made four options, and today I found out that Löfbergs Lila wanted one of my designs! It feels awesome because the designers had done sooo many different options for them before, yet all of them were rejected, and now they have approved on my idea! This just proves what I have always suspected... I'm a f-cking design genius! :)

Next week I'm gonna develop the idea, I have to change the colours a bit which will be a new challenge since they have used almost all of the colours under the sun on the other packages. But I'm looking forward! I can't show you any pictures yet, but here are some other designs that wonderlandWPA have done for Löfbergs Lila.

So the design I'm working on will have a similar theme of the cup with a coloured background…

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xo Lisa

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