23 May 2010

Hot Town, Summer in the City

London is like that Joe Cocker song right now! Today was absolutely scorching!

This has been my weekend:
On Friday I brought these yummie carrot cake-muffins to work since it was my last day at the placement at WonderlandWPA.
Senior designer Jessica liked them! (and so did everyone else actually)
Amy, Robin, Lucy, Sachin, Jess and me. I'm sad to leave since everyone was so nice, it was a great work experience. Now I've just got to wait until my coffee design comes out in store so I can show everyone!

Then on Saturday I had my hair cut and highlighted.
It is hard to believe that this image of horror…
miraculously turned out like this when it was finished!
I love my new colour!
Saturday evening my boyfriend's brother Carl treated us to a barbeque with halloumi, lamb kofte, steak and hamburgers! And his girlfriend Vicky made a delish potato salad, yum!
Today I have spent the day in the park, and the evening working on a drawing that I am making for my cousin Anna's baby girl. So far it's looking good!

Last image from here

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