21 Feb 2010

Eating My Way Around London!

Helli hello!
This weekend my mum was here to visit me, yay!
One of the best things about having someone over is all the yummie food and cute cafés you can find when you have time to stroll around London. On our first day we went to Angel which is a great little area of London, that's where I photographed these amazing meringues in the window of a place called Ottolenghi.

We had coffee at Carluccio's...

and later found this precious little shop opposite of Spitalfield's Market. If you are ever around Liverpool St Station in London you must visit this shop! It's so cute and the couple that owns it are lovely. And they make the best sandwiches I have ever tasted! Make sure you try their special home-made mango chutney-mustard...
We also bought some really good (and hot) chili-cheese.


  1. Oh my god, I'm so jealous, I could spend days with watching food while I think about buying it and thinking of the best ideas to make something delicious out of it. Great pictures, theay make my mouth water. :)

  2. Ha ha I'm the same Thanks! Mmm. that cheese was so good... :)

  3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH how I love this kind of shops...and my husband as well(we love too much cheese!)


Thanks for your thoughts!
xo Lisa

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